See below
Specialization means a company or country concentrating on producing few commodities. In practice, a state or company will focus on the products it can produce more efficiently. It means focusing on goods they can manufacture at a lower cost compared to other countries.
The USA can specialize in the goods and services it can produce at a lower cost than other nations. It can then export these products to other countries at competitive prices. For products that are costly to manufacture in the USA, it is prudent to import them from countries that can produce them at lower costs.
Some products manufactured in other countries at a lower cost may be sold in the USA at fair prices than when produced in the USA.
Explanation Below.
By Selling the property, the company gains cash from the sale, and also has been using the land for the business.
Land does not depreciate in accounting terms, however, it will depend on the market value of the land. In most cases the land will appreciate and have a greater value each year.
When the accountant states that selling the asset gives the seller "the best of both worlds" the accountant is referring to selling the land for a greater value than purchased and now the cash can be used to purchase another asset that will also bring value to the company.
2954-724.15=2229.85 so i asked the internet what percent is 2229.85 of 2954 and responded with 75.485782% take home pay