Cytoplasm is a jello like substance that hold all the cells organelles in place|
Imaging a fruit cup with jello in it,the fruits in the cup represent organelles and the jello in the cup represents cytoplasm.
A person that studies rocks minerals and earth's land forms are geologist
Because of their ability to undergo FREQUENT MUTATIONS, VIRUSES CAN RAPIDLY EVOLVE.
Viruses are one of the microscopic organisms that causes diseases in plants, animals and humans. Diseases cause by virus are usually difficult to treat because of the capacity of viruses to undergo frequent mutations; that is, they change their genetic components in a very rapidly manner, in such a way that, their genetic components are never the same for long. This makes it difficult for scientists to make effective drugs against viruses. Two different viruses can also combine together to form a new and unique type of virus. This is the major reason why diseases such as HIV, do not have a cure yet.
They are electropositive in nature,they are generally malleable and ductile,they are sonorus,i.e.,they produce sounds on striking their surface,they have high density,they have high tensile strength,they have shining surface Hope u understood