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Endocrine System
1.hyperkalemia-high level of potassium in the blood hyper-excessive kal/i-potassium -emia: blood condition
2. hyponatremia-low level of sodium in the blood hypo-insufficient natr/o-sodium -emia: blood condition
3. hypopituitarism-hyposecretion of one or more pituitary gland hormone hypo-insufficient pituitary/o-pituitary gland -ism: state of
4. polyuria-condition of producing an excessive amount of urine poly-many -uria: urine condition
5. polydipsia- excessive feeling of thirst poly-many -dipsia: thirst
Lymphatic System
6. lymphatic-pertaining to the lymph lymph/o-lymph -atic: pertaining to
7. splenomegaly- an enlarged spleen splen/o-spleen -megaly: enlarged
8. adenoiditis-inflammation of the adenoids adenoid/o-adenoids -itis: inflammation
9. thymoma-a tumor of the thymus glands thym/o-thymus gland -oma: tumor
10. tonsillitis-inflammation of the tonsils tonsil/o-tonsils -itis: inflammation
nucleus) alpha decay: alpha particle
beta decay: unstable nucleus
gamma decay: one fewer neuron and proton
p+ n0) alpha decay: beta particle
beta decay: no change
gamma: two or fewer
releases) alpha: alpha particle
beta: beta particle
gamma: gamma rays
Which of the following statements is true?
Certain sexual behaviors are risky and can result in negative consequences.