In most places they celebrate Easter because it was when Jesus the son of god had risen
Easter and Good Friday in Philippines are indeed celebrated in a unique way. The most striking feature in the Easter celebration is that Filipinos whip themselves and wear crowns of thorns. Some even choose to nail their hands and feet to a wood to represent the crucifixion of Jesus.
In argument or logic, inconsistency often referred as internal contradiction or logical inconsistency is a term of a fallacious argument, whereby two or more propositions are asserted that cannot both possibly be true.
Hence, in this case, being described as voluble, verbose, long winded and loquacious is contradictory to being described as an individual who has never utter more than twelve words sentence before.
Therefore the argument is rather considered as Inconsistency
that would be Hermione Granger
Tube walking: Side to side.
When the person's knees move inward on doing the overhead squat.The most suitable exercise for the to strengthen and activate the person's under active musculature by doing the tube walking that too side to side.This exercise will provide strength to the client's legs and will stop the inward movement of the leg on overhead squats.
collective sentiment is the set of shared beliefs ideas and moral attitudes which acta as a unifying force within society