D. an external locus of control
In psychology, there are two distinct types of locus of control including the internal and the external locus of control.
External locus of control is described as a process through which an individual feels that his or her failures or successes occur as a consequence of some external factors or reasons which is beyond his or her control, for example, unfair teachers, circumstance, prejudiced, luck, injustice, bias, fate, etc.
An individual who is experiencing an external locus of control generally feels anxious as he or she believe of not having any control over his or her life.
In the question above, Helene's lack of perceptiveness best illustrates the dangers of an external locus of control.
Answer: The correct answer to this question is True.
Explanation: As of this writing, the Affordable Care Act still has an individual mandate in effect. Each American must purchase their own health care and an employee with a certain amount of employees must offer affordable insurance.
The new president has taken away the tax penalty for those that did not purchase health insurance. There is a website from the ACA that does offer several affordable plans to those who want health insurance.
in my opinion D
it clearly says
"Why was he the only one getting in trouble?he shouldn't have confessed it all!!"
This clearly shows despite confessing everything no action was taken upon the others but only him he was the only one blamed and in trouble
Observation Technique
Researchers measure the emotions of individuals based on their emotional expressions and gestures.