If you get caught trust passing you can get a fine frome the capitalist system
Answer: Pertinent
Pertinent describes the degree to which a play addresses both of-the-moment and timeless audience concerns. That meeans relevant or applicable to the particular matter.
The answer is - water vapor released from volcanic outgassing
The earth's interior contains minerals with hydrogen and oxygen, volcanic eruptions spewed gases from the earth's interior to the atmosphere through a process called Outgassing or Degassing which still continues today. Outgassing is the spontaneous evolution of gas from solid or liquid, degassing / degasification is the deliberate removal of dissolved gas from solid or liquids especially water or aqueous solutions. The continual outgassing or degassing process releases H2O as water vapor into the atmosphere (producing rain- rivers, lakes, oceans), carbon dioxide.
Forces of gravity prevent the water from leaving the planet.
Chocolate (Independent variable)
The independent variable is manipulative. The experimenter can manipulate it. It produces one or more results in a study called the dependent variable. It is called the independent variable because its variation doesn't depend on another variable in an experiment. The independent variable can be controlled or manipulated only by the researcher or experimenter.
For example:
Amount of water and fertilizer provide a tree. Water and fertilizer is an (independent variable) which can be manipulated by the experimenter.
Result: Height of the tree depends on water and fertilizer quantity (dependent variable) which can not be manipulated by researcher.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Dos de los medios más poderosos de socialización son la familia y la escuela.
Pero también podemos considerar a los amigos, la religión y a los medios masivos de comunicación por la gigantesca influencia que ejercen en nuestras vidas.
Estos agentes de socialización nos invitan a integrarnos directa o indirectamente a las diferentes estructuras de una sociedad y facilitan u obstaculizan -según el caso- el proceso de integración a diferentes grupos o asociaciones.
Estos agentes también son considerados como grupos de referencia que influyen y forman nuestra conducta. Los grupos de referencia pueden ser primarios o secundarios, dependiendo de su grado de influenza.