. once again I held back.I had an uneasy feeling that tells me this person is not my father but I ignored the feelings and sent the text I grabbed my phone and wrote " goodbye"
He references what has happened in the past and implied that there will be a change for the future.
Lincoln referred to the old colonial days where men longed for freedom and that now the day has come. He also encourages us to understand the the world is different now that people have removed themselves from the immoral practises, this may be a reference to slavery.
He encourages the people to view themselves as heirs that have overcame the first revolution and that this new winning spirit must be passed along.
He also reassures the allies that they have that they will continue to be friends and that they will build not only America together but spread peace throughout the world.
No don’t give them credit because you can change things on Wikipedia so it’s not really real facts and you shouldn’t sue Wikipedia anyway because it’s kinda like a scam it’s not always real facts
Eight degree four minute (Indira point) is southern most latitude of India. Kanyakumari at 8°4′41″N and 37°32′28″E is the southernmost tip of the Indian mainland. Or you also have Google