Psuedostratified columnar epithelium
When an animal's oxygen supply is limited, bisphospoglyceric acid increases the oxygen level by acclamitization.
Acclimatization is the term used to describe the advantageous physiological changes brought on by frequent exposure to a hot climate. Increased sweating effectiveness is one of these physiological modifications. It is converted into a molecule identical to that of 2,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (2,3BPG). A mechanism called 2,3BPG is employed to control the effective emission of oxygen from haemoglobin. As one of the processes of acclimatization, 1,3-BPG levels will rise in a patient's blood when concentration is low. Low oxygen levels increase 1,3BPG levels, which in turn increase 2,3BPG levels and change how well oxygen separates from hemoglobin.
Learn more about Bisphospoglyceric acid
The actual answer is, "A", an ocean trench.
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It started to mold what is now the grand canyons.
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