This is all you need to do for this one add quotes around the number to make it a string. Then for the question I don't know if you need to answer it but I said that when there is only one string it creates and addition problem of 24 + 24 and then when there are two strings it puts them right next to each other making it look like the number 2424.
It is not possible to have a deadlock involving only one process.
Deadlock is only possible if there are multiple processes trying to access the same shared resources. Another way to see it is if you have shared resources only can be a deadlock if multiple processes attempt to use it.
With only one process, you can use shared resources without the risk of fall into deadlock, but you don't have concurrence either.
Software, unless you planned on permanently downloading the Music Album or Song to your computer's Hard Drive. i.e, you would use whatever Music or Media player you have installed on your computer, and that simply counts as Software.
hope this helps.
The correct answer is C - Object-oriented design.
Object-oriented design defines code or software as objects. These objects represent instances of a real-life situation. For example, an animal class consist of a dog, cat, lion. A dog therefore is n instance of the animal class.
Objects are described as having properties and behaviours. Properties are variables, arrays, sets, maps etc and behaviours are the functions and methods that manipulate these data.
Object-oriented programming is done based on this design.
0b11110000000 is binary
0o3600 is in octal
0x780 in hexa dec.
Explanation:its a bit complitcated to explain sorry bro!