5 bits
A bit is the least or the smallest unit of data in a computer. They are the units of information in information theory, consisting of the amount of information required to specify one of two alternatives 0 and 1. This is because A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1
If you use roman alphabet A to Z lets use log 2(26)=4.7 bits. when you round off it will be 5 bits.
import math
num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print(math.gcd(num1, num2))
The gcd() - greatest common divisor function, which is part of the math module works perfectly in this situation.
C. Blinking vertical line on your screen
A cursor is tha blinking vertical line on your screen.
The client
On a client/server network, THE CLIENT computer initiates the process of assigning an IP address through DHCP. This is because "The Client" computer will serve as the Domain controller in which other computers of the network can find. Hence, The Client computer initiates the process of assigning IP addresses through DHCP to achieve this.
Though, in some case. A user can manually assign the IP address to computer if it is not through DHCP