Kumar is walking down the street when a stranger accidentally bumps into him as he passes. Kumar is least likely to respond aggressively if he apoligizes.
Effective apologies are timely personal non-defensive, and exercise caution The definition of defensive is to protect or secure oneself, or to quickly defend oneself against criticism, or anticipate criticism or complaints. When a country raises its armed forces in preparation for an attack to secure its borders, this is an example of when it takes a defensive position.
It has been shown to be enhanced by making them feel like Defensive behavior is a common reaction when you feel personally attacked, but it can impair your ability to identify problems and find solutions.
Learn more about defense here
industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. ... This creates even more jobs and demands for housing, thus establishing an urban area.
to __ someone is to formally charge them with a crime. please be specific
Nepali architecture or Nepalese architecture is a unique strain of art and practicality. Situated in between the trade routes of India, Tibet and China, Nepali architecture reflects influences from both these cultural strongholds. ... Mugal style, summit style, dome style also have great scope in Nepal.
They are the place of historical and cultural importance. They represent livelihood of people, tradition, culture, civilization, and originality. They symbolize the craftsmanship of our ancestors and how people used to make the art and architecture in early days.
corned beef is made from brisket, which comes from the lower chest of the cow; pastrami is either made from a cut called the deckle, a lean, wide, firm shoulder cut, or the navel, a smaller and juicier section right below the ribs