It tricks us because the colors blend with our earth tone colored clothing (accessories also) you could do this test to show you
buy or borrow a shirt that has nothing but autumn leaves on it(I pasted a photo of what it would look like) then take a white undershirt and place autum leafs on it.
Does it not look similar? that's how the bright colors trick our eyes. because of the bright and earth tone colors
Human knowledge grows out of Knowledge Doubling Curve. On average, human knowledge is doubling every 13 months.
I hope this helped you and if it did, please mark this answer as brainliest.
Cheetah to Fast because fast is a characteristic of a cheetah just like soft is to grass
For the 21st Century student, reading Aristotle's 'Rhetoric' can be painful, however there are some important points to discover in relation to the art of persuasion.Aristotle was an Ancient Greek philosopher, and provides one of the earliest discourses on the art of persuasion in the Western tradition.