D. The South had a warm climate and rich soil that was good for farming.
I'm sorry I don't understand
During these days where almost all things become instant, the drawback that is traded especially in the social realm of the people is the lack of copresence during meetings. Instead of spending time talking about problems and whereabouts, attentions are diverted to social media sites instead.
Management and Executive time / input
Efficient utilization of resources: The most essential function of economic planning is to ensure the best use of given resources within the country. Maximum social benefits can only be ensured when the available resources are allocated and utilized in the most efficient manner.
Social learning theory
As you may know, the parent figure is very important in aperson´s life: Most of the things you learn in your early life are, in a way, connected to your parents: from speaking in a certain way (accent) to having a certain taste in music or movies...Why? very simple, because they are there with you all the time, and you learn to live the way your peers live, <u>you adapt </u>(and most of the times not just adapt but get to like it).
What happens to Tina may be explained by social learning theory because Tina, in her unconsious mind, learned from his father that dogs were bad and, even if she hasnt had a bad experience with them, she is still afraid of them.
<em>For example</em> have you ever had a bad experience with a spider? probably not, yet im sure you are afraid of them, simply because society has a negative image about them... and <u>you adapted</u> to live in it.