Forward spatter is the blood that is ejected out of the exit wound,going the same direction as the bullet.back spatter is the blood ejected out of the entry wound,travelling against the line of fire and towards the shooter.
Flowers produce seeds. Many flowers contain both male and female organs needed to produce new flowers. Flower petals are often colorful or have a scent to attract insects and other animals. The male organ of a flower that has an anther on a stalk (filament).
So the picture is a little hard to see, so bare with me.
Evaporation is where the water is coming out of the ocean up into the air.
I think that is rain happening above the mountain? If so, that is precipitation.
The little river thing coming out of the mountain is runoff.
I cant really see much else on the picture though, so you might need someone else to help you there.
C) moving materials in and waste products out