They are much much smaller and much much cooler despite being much much closer to the sun.the gas giant's mass allows for constant movement and friction which warms up it's core.
Answer: A mantle plume is an area under the rocky outer layer of Earth, called the crust, where magma is hotter than surrounding magma. ... While most volcanoes form along tectonic plate boundaries, mantle plumes and hot spots lead to their development as well. Hot spot volcanoes occur far from plate boundaries.
I believe one needs information about the individual's Age, Weight, Height, and Gender.
The Dietary reference intakes define the daily requirement for energy as Estimated Energy requirement. The EER is based on calculations that account for an individual's energy intake, energy expenditure, age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity level.
Cold water<span> has a higher density than warm </span>water<span>. </span>Water<span> gets colder with depth because cold, salty </span>ocean water<span> sinks to the bottom of the </span>ocean<span> basins below the less </span>dense<span> warmer </span>water<span> near the surface.</span>
Respiration - The cellular process of releasing energy from food through a series of enzyme-controlled reactions is called respiration . Some of the energy released is used to produce ATP.