The pancreas secretes trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes which continue breakdown proteins into smaller peptides and some single amino acids. Carboxypeptidase also secreted by the pancreas splits single amino acids from the carboxyl end of proteins.
Bile, which contains a mix salts, is secreted by the liver . Bile salts help to continue digestion of fats by attaching to small fat droplets, preventing them from coalescing into larger droplets, thereby increasing their surface area so that they can be further broken down by lipase enzymes.
A. their blood pressure becomes elevated, forcing more fluid into interstitial spaces as blood hydrostatic pressure rises.
Edema is characterized by an increase in the amount of interstitial fluid in a tissue or within a cavity. The fluid accumulated in edema is formed by an aqueous solution of salts and proteins from the blood plasma. An edema can have various causes, such as changes in the wall of a capillary, decreased plasma oncotic pressure, increased hydrostatic blood pressure, sodium retention, and decreased lymphatic drainage.
In people who are confined to bed for long periods of time they usually develop edema because blood pressure rises, forcing more fluid into the interstitial spaces as hydrostatic blood pressure increases.
<span>Here are some of the symptoms of food borne illness that should cause you to consult a doctor: 1. bloody diarrhea - in general, diarrhea is a sign that there is something wrong in your body, but if there is blood involved, you should definitely see a doctor. 2. abdominal pain - if you are experiencing severe pain in your stomach and abdomen, go see a doctor. 3. fever - if your temperature is high, stay hydrated and consult a doctor. 4. dehydration - just drink a lot of fluids, but also ask a doctor what you should do.</span>
Why are you shouting at them?
No, I can't stay here, I want to go at once.
Many, many years ago there lived a hermit in a dense forest.
Congratulations! said the Captain.
I just needs points youknowwhatimsayinnnnnnnnnn? ~