sea sponge
everything else is symmetrical, sea sponges are known for being whacky shapes and sizes and are never symmetrical
it’s somehow re-jiggered its
taste system so that the attractant that humans used to draw the insect to
poison bait—the sugar glucose—now tastes bitter to the roach, and they avoid it.
cockroaches began appearing that avoided the baits, and did so not because they
were averse to the poison, but because they were averse to the attractant, glucose. This new
trait turned out to be heritable, that is, it had a genetic basis.
adaptations such as warning coloration, alarm calls and other signals, camouflage, mimicry of well-defended species, and defensive spines and chemicals.
Hope this helps with whatever you are working on :)
Interspecific competition
A type of competition in which organisms belong to different species compete with each others for same resources.
Leopard and lion.
intraspecific competition
A type of competition in which organism belong to same species compete with each others for same resources.
birds for breeding or shelter compete with each others