They took them to concentration camps. If they were small children or pregnant women, they were usually told that they would be taking a shower, when in reality they were taken to the gas chambers and gassed immediately. If not, they were forced to do hard labor and often do shameful things for entertainment.
Tierra, en economía, es el concepto que abarca a todos los recursos naturales cuyo suministro está inherentemente fijado (es decir, no cambia respondiendo a las variaciones de sus precios en el mercado).
crops needs Air, water and sunlight in it's environment
ok what is it I will help I think
An organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a certain function in a body. The human body has 11 different organ systems, some of which are the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and nervous systems. For example, the cardiovascular system consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Not only organs that make up an organ system have to work together, but organ systems as well. Otherwise, our body wouldn't be able to work properly. For example, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system cooperate to deliver oxygen to cells and expel the carbon dioxide, which is the product of the cells.