As such religion was one of the problems that Elizabeth had to deal with straight away. If Elizabeth, who had been raised a Protestant, forced the Protestant faith on Catholics, her chances of remaining Queen for a long time would be threatened, as well as the stability of the country.
As the state of the economy and the issues surrounding gaps in income inequality continue to absorb the national spotlight, some may wonder what exactly any of the numbers that are thrown around in the media actually say about, well, anything. What does it mean when the unemployment rate drops? Does that mean people are finding jobs and the economy is improving? What do any of the numbers surrounding unemployment really say about the state of the economy?
Recently you may have heard that the unemployment rate has dropped. While that is true, it does not necessarily indicate a positive occurrence. According the jobs report of December, 74,000 jobs have been added to the economy, and the jobless rate is down to 6.7%. Adding jobs and seeing a decrease in the jobless rate, both sound like really good things on the surface. Upon further examination of what exactly these numbers mean, the poor state of employment across the country begins to reveal itself.
The Mandate of Heaven played an important role in the dynastic cycle since it said that people of hereditary royal birth were ordained with powers from god to rule over the people.
Abandoning the city to move farther inland