bleak and unfavorable places where typically nothing thrives.
Based on the excerpt, readers can assume that the internment camps are bleak and unfavorable places where typically nothing survives.
This is because, from the conversation, the narrator says "My father says where we're going, they won't grow" when they were talking about packing tomato seeds. So for this reason, the readers can infer that the internment camps are unfavorable and bleak.
a and B
cause a and B would replace that
IV: The number of leaves
DV: How much rain water they get
Hypothesis: If my plant has 16 leaves then it will get more water because it has more leaves.
IV is what you change
DV is what happens because you change whatever you change
The Hypothesis has to have IF. THEN. BECAUSE. in the sentence of the hypothesis make sure to have those!
Have a good day, Hopefully I am correct!
1) feminine name
2) uncomfortably hot
3) a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses or other animals
4) extreme fear of confined places
5) hospital ship belonging to the charitable organization Mercy Ships