Basically he wants to privatise environmental protection and clean up
Brainly team only excepts questions in English (except if you press other languages button, but you didn't press it)
As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea. The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming. The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on.
George Washington is the first president of USA
According to the framers of the constitution, the main goals of the government are:
<span>1. form a perfect Union
2. establish justice (through law and regulation)
3. ensure domestic tranquility (through borders)
4. provide for the common defense (through military sendings)
5. promote the general welfare (through government aids)
6. secure the blessings of liberty (by giving freedoms for all of the people)</span>