The main cause of lack of jobs is due to automation and the ability for computers to do everything faster, more efficiently and effectively.
A specific example - Data entry jobs are redundant from automation programs
- Economic Forum predicted a net increase of 58 million jobs for automation, so this accounts for losses but isn't case specific to data entry
Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management and it typically involves the process of combining strategies, techniques, practices and technology so as to effectively and efficiently manage their customer data in order to improve and enhance customer satisfaction.
This ultimately implies that, these employees are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the customer are satisfied and happy with their service at all times.
Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the needs of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. It comprises of all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.
Basically, CRM involves understanding customer needs, building and maintaining healthy long-term relationships with them, in order to add value or scale up your business.
Hence, customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the popular marketing strategy that is mainly based on the acquisition, enhancement, and retention of long-term relationships that add value for the organization and the customer.
1. If in MS Access, Click on Query design, select the required Table.
In Field select required field, in this case Select [Name of Plants]. Click on Order and set it as Ascending / Descending.
2. If you want to write a Query that it will look like this
SELECT MedicinalPlants.Name of the plantsFROM MedicinalPlantsORDER BY MedicinalPlants.Name of the Plants;
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D)It did not change the curriculum because Scopes lost the case.
create a responsive website which adapts to every screen/devices. Answer is B.