The recruiter is referring to technical skills like Database querying, Modeling, Basic understanding of statistics, Front-end development, Marketing automation, budget development.
Database querying: Ability to answer the questions about customer and prospects behavior on their own.
Modeling: The key technical data in understanding how to collect the data, chart it, visualizing the progression of marketing efforts and communicate them to stakeholders. Ability to create a data model and deciding with the created data.
understanding of statistics: analysis of the data collected by them by statistical significance, cohort analysis, etc.
Front-end development: The knowledge of understanding the basics of HTML, Java scripts, CSS.
Marketing automation: To become a successful marketer one should be able to adapt to use the automation tools in preparing their personalized emails that may increase the sales by a minimum of 20%.
Culture is dynamic not static nature is static which means stays the same culture changes people ways of doing things just like nature
<span>Grammar. Grammar consists of the rules that are set for us to make the written word possible in a coherent manner. It is Grammar that allows us to be able to write out and convey messages.</span>
A general government may operate on individuals in cases of general concern, and still be federal. This distinction is with the states, as states, represented by the people of those states.
Texture gradient
Texture gradient is the difference in perception in size of an object when viewed from afar compared to when it is near.