First we convert it in seconds.
Number of seconds in 1 minute = 60 seconds
Number of seconds in 4.2 minutes = 4.2 x 60 = 252 seconds.
Next we convert it in hours.
60 minutes make up an hour. So we can write,
Number of hours in 60 minutes = 1 hour
Number of hours in 1 minute = 1/60 hour
Number of hours in 4.2 minutes = 1/60 x 4.2 = 0.07 hour
Therefore, the video is 252 seconds or 0.07 hour long.
40 - 5x
Step-by-step explanation:
Caroline is taking test worth 40 points that has 5 points per question. If she got 2 questions wrong, she would have a score of `30.
2 × 5 = 10
40 - 10 = 30
If Caroline got x questions wrong, she would have a score of 40 - 5x.