Conspiracy theories were always irrational ideas without evidence that’s what a “theory” is so if you have proof you have to have the dates, witnesses, because anyone can fake a video or picture with the help of video editing. Though many people use the term debunk to infer that they have falsified an idea, over the years, it has become less rational an endeavor. Today many debunkers are actually pseudo-skeptics. Instead of considering an idea and trying to falsify it, many debunkers just assume science is on their side and instead try to a priori dismiss the idea, and worse to discredit the person who proposes the idea. That is not rational skepticism or critical thinking. Debunking isn’t always falsification or refutation but as often as not just name-calling and denial.
Since anything can be called a conspiracy theory, and since debunking can be achieved by put-downs and shaming; any idea you don’t like, you call a conspiracy theory and its proponent a conspiracist, and then contemptuously mock the idea and the person who advocates it. Easy-peezy-debunky-sleazy.
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I could not find the article that is missing in your question but I will tell you something more about the author's bias in the literature work so you can find it by yourself.
- Authors are not always having fair thinking about something, they also can have many mistakes in their thinking patterns or wrong choices. They can make it also on purpose or it could be just their natural thinking.
A bias is representing those unfair presentations of some events or situations in literature. They are having their point of view that isn't always matching our expectations. If you want to find the author's bias in your article you must find first what is the way that he looks at certain situations or feelings.
Faith is believing and seeing isn't always believing
Hope it helps
Total income and expenses.
A budget is a financial plan used for the estimation of revenue and expenditures of an individual, organization or government for a specified period of time, often one year. Budgets are usually compiled, analyzed and re-evaluated on periodic basis.
The first step of the budgeting process is to prepare a list of each type of income and expense that will be integrated or infused into the budget.
Hence, before you prepare a budget, the most important thing you must know is total income and expenses.
The final step to be made by the management of an organization in the financial decision-making process is to make necessary adjustments to the budget.
Furthermore, the benefits of having a budget is that it aids in setting goals, earmarking revenues and resources, measuring outcomes and planning against contingencies. Thus, it is typically used by various organizations or companies due to the fact that, it's tied directly to the strategy and tactics of a company on an annual basis. Also, it is used to set a budget for marketing efforts while anticipating on informations about the company.