What did Hamilton argue against?
Hamilton warned against political intolerance
Although he fought the British during the Revolution, after the war he defended the rights of Tories against loyalty tests and property confiscations. He warned that the modern trend toward liberty could be reversed if the United States became politically intolerant.
You will need to write at least a hundred words for the essays I think. As far as drawing is concerned, you can ask me for help anytime! :) As far as taking a pic, if you have Canvas, take a screenshot of your work.
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The Meat industry with he’s book
Behavior modification
In psychology, the term behavior modification refers to a technique that has the goal of change altered patterns of behavior using learning techniques such as positive and negative reinforcement. In other words, behavior modification, as it names says, <u>focuses in changing undesired behaviors by using different techniques. </u>
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In this example, Leo spends too much time in solitary activities and the teachers gave him attention whenever he was by himself. So now, the teachers were given the instruction to give Leo attention when he plays with others and ignore him when he is alone. This way, <u>by using negative reinforcements they want to change Leo's behavior by giving him attention when he is with others, to change his behavior to a more desirable one.</u> This example therefore illustrates Behavior modification.