They actually played a pretty important role in early civilizations. For one, building a major urban civilization takes a lot of work. Slaves could be used for building projects to enlarge the city and its defenses, for agricultural labor to ensure that the people of the city could eat, or as domestic assistants to kings, lords, and shop-owners.
The crisis that emerged in Yugoslavia was connected with the weakening of the Communist states in Eastern Europe towards the end of the Cold War, leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
It promised that it was possible to get vast areas of land and become wealthy, however, it was deceptive because people didn't know how much they would have to work on the land and how much physical labor was involved, and many didn't want this type of hard physical labor for themselves.
iBy July 16, the convention had already set the minimum age for senators at thirty and the term length at six years, as opposed to twenty-five for House members, with two-year terms. James Madison explained that these distinctions, based on “the nature of the senatorial trust, which requires greater extent of information and stability of character,” would allow the Senate “to proceed with more coolness, with more system, and with more wisdom than the popular