Muscles move body parts by contracting and then relaxing. Muscles can pull bones, but they can't push them back to the original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint.
Hope this helps
Answer:IN MEDICAL TERMS: ( True )
Shock is when you do not have enough blood circulating around your body. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Some of the causes of shock include uncontrolled bleeding, severe burns and spinal injury.
Here are some reason to prepare yourself for an SAT. Firstly, start early. We know that ideally you’ll like all the time in the world to prepare for a test. Secondly, set a goal. Have everything planned out so your organized. Thirdly, get a good night sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep will help you think and keep you energized for when you need to take the test. Some other reasons that involve this question are shoring up your weaknesses. If you already have strengths such as the written portion then it might make sense to to put your energy into a weakness. Eat well and prioritize. Therefore, being prepared for a test like this in advance will help you in many ways.
According to the textbook, Kinsey's research <span>provided information about what people say they do sexually</span> kinsey's research Kinsey research is a sexology foundation that is founded in 1940s in order to gain deeper knowledge about human sexuality. This foundation has been aggressively opposed by various groups due to its scandalous nature during that time