The nine basic training principles are specificity, overload, progression, recovery, variation, transfer, balance, individualiza
tion, and reversibility. How can the basic training principles influence the type of location that you choose? Select at least three of nine training principles to write about.
These nine basic training principles apply to sports training. With regards to location, the training principles that could influence it is the specificity, variation and overload. Specificity refers to the type of exercises you do based on the type of sport you play. Variation is when you do not only focus on one part of your body. Lastly, overload is adding additional stress to your body to achieve progression. These all influence location whether it has amenities that could cater to the type of exercises that you do. Does the location allow you to have a hold of resources for overload? Does the location have different sections that allow your body for variation? Does the place cater to your specific sport?
Every goal should have a target date so that you have something to aim toward and a deadline to focus on. This portion of the SMART goal criterion keeps your daily duties from taking precedence over your long-term objectives.
Explanation: When you take on a bit to much responsibility it makes it hard to keep up with it all and you end up in trouble or even worse. Taking on to much can increase stress and depression making you not work as hard as you would normally do.