Preventing, avoiding, or resolving.
Answer:a. What kind of a person should I be?
Virtue ethics is based on a person rather than what a person does; it examines the virtue or moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than the consequences of their actions.
At the end of the day it is the person that you choose to be that will determine what action you will get yourself involved in.
Virtue ethics doesn't solely look at the wrongness or rightness of an individual actions but it guides the individual towards achieving characters and behaviours that will make them a good person.
This means that virtue ethics is focused on the person as a whole rather than certain episodes of their actions.
It helps a person examine their character rather being inclined to examine other people's character which is what we mostly do as people .
This theory suggest that if we could have certain characteristics that makes us good people it would be good in our society.
Emma could be concluded that she is experiencing a transference. It is where the feelings of the individual has been shifted or redirected to a person of which is done in a way that she does not know or an unconscious way. It could be seen above as Emma shifted her feelings of feeling devastated of her brother's death to James in which she reminds him of his brother.
Suppose both john and bill can do two tasks in a day. if john can do each of the two tasks faster than bill, then <u>John should specialize in performing the task for which he has a </u><u>comparative advantage</u><u>. </u>
Comparative advantage refers to the capacity to provide goods and offerings at a lower possibility price, not always at a greater quantity or satisfactory. Comparative gain is a key perception that trade will still occur even though one u . s . has an absolute gain in all products.
In an economic model, retailers have a comparative advantage over others in producing a selected desirable if they can produce that excellent at a lower relative opportunity price or autarky rate, i.e. at a decrease relative marginal price previous to trade.
In economics, a comparative advantage occurs when a country can produce a very good or carrier at a lower opportunity value than another u . s .. The principle of comparative gain is attributed to political economist David Ricardo, who wrote the book standards of Political economic system and Taxation (1817).
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