In regards to this question, there are no specific options provided to choose from. So i will try and answer as perfectly as possible from my knowledge. Hope it will be of help to you. Optical telescopes tend to have a magnifying lens located near the large opening at the opposite end of the eye pice through which a person looks.
The mutation will become more common in offspring and increase the genetic variability in the gene pool.
<span>A cross-sectional study examines all of the participants at one time. So for a cross-sectional study of cancer survivors, we would gather some sample of former patients and find out how long they have been in remission.
The problem with that cross-sectional design is we would be missing the people whose cancer had returned and caused them to die before our experiment started; we would have introduced a problem called "survivor bias" by only counting people who were STILL in remission and still alive.
A better experiment will use a longitudinal design of enrolling people whose cancer has just gone into remission, and following them to see how long they stay healthy.</span>
Lysosomes are vesicles that are formed by the Golgi apparatus. They contain powerful enzymes that could break down (digest) the cell. Lysosomes break down harmful cell products, waste materials, and cellular debris and then force them out of the cell.