Answer: "analogous features" .
Mendeleev was the first chemist to organize the periodic table according to their mass. He also created groups. <span />
Introduction of burmese pythons to a local ecosystem can have grave consequences, as has been proven in Florida. Burmese pythons are skilled predators, and they are not easily killed by other animals. If introduced to a climate they can thrive in, they will start hunting local animals. With little to no predators capable of killing them, they will flourish because of plentiful food supply, and they will continue to increase in number. They will decrease the level of animals directly below them in the food chain, which will then increase the number of animals and plants that had previously been eaten by the python's new food.
Basically, don't mess with food chains! :)
a-large cell which controls the body
b-contains its own genetic material
The Cell membrane-bound organelles, which carry out cell functions.
Nucleus, which contains the DNA cytoplasm.
The nucleus, the membrane-enclosed internal region that contains genetic material.