one common ancestor
Although Darwin’s theory is often described as the theory of evolution by natural selection, most commentators recognize that common ancestry (the idea that all organisms now alive on earth and all present day fossils trace back to one or a few “original progenitors”) is an important part of the Darwinian picture.
½ c raw red bell pepper (190 mg per cup)
1 medium orange (96 mg per cup)
½ cup cooked broccoli (81 mg per cup, uncooked)
¾ cup tomato juice (44 mg per cup, 33 mg in 3/4 cup)
Even if the reference measurements is 1 cup the proportion of vitamin C is maintained when half a cup of the measure is used.
As I do not know the size of the orange I am considering that half an orange is equal to half a cup.
Brococoli is cooked and Vitamin C is vulnerable to the cooking process and breaks down easily. So its vitamin C content will vary depending on how it was cooked and how long it lasted.
The protest that is present in
toothpaste belongs to the phylum Chrysophytes species Diatoms. It has a
flexible cell membrane which is made of silica. This will help them keep their
cells shape, provides protection and helps keep water in its body.