Un ecosistema esta formado por facotres abioticos y bioticos.
Los factores bioticos son aquellos que presentan signos vitales, es decir que cumplen con la vida, metabolismo, respiracion, entre otras funciones vivas.
Los factores abietos son aquellos que no tienen vida pero con los que los factores bioticos intercambian energia, un ejemplo de esto son las rocas, los vientos, los sedimentos, la tierra fertil.
Los factores bioticos serian los organismos vivos como los animales, que al funcionar como sistemas abiertos de intercambio de energia constante mantienen un equilibrio fisico biologico con los factores bioticos.
Los ecosistemas cumplen con una cadena que no debe romperse ni faltar ningun eslabon, si esta continuidad se interrumpe con la extincion de una especie como animal o vegetal el ecosistema variará, y cambiara toda su conformacion.
Es un conjunto de factores bioticos y abioticos en armonia que se complementan e intercambian energia entre si de manera ordenada en eslabones, si uno de estos eslabones se rompe, se extingue, o se modifica por intervencion del hombre u otros factores TODO el escosistema se verá modificado o afectado.
the island is a small specie of lizards so if the mainland specie was a large population it would have been the one to be affected by an increase instead of a decrease. The genetic drift was caused by not having enough of the same kind to keep the heredity going, most likely the largest population is the one that had enough of the same heredity to keep the population of lizards going. In a way the hurricane with the force on both species caused a genetic drift but increased a larger population for a year later.
It is used to demonstrate the importance of chlorophyll in photosynthesis. Plant with variegated leaves is de starched and then placed in the sunlight for a few hours, then the iodine test for starch is carried out. The green parts of the leaves will test positive for starch and therefore turn blue black. The non-green parts did not photosynthesize die to absence of chlorophyll and iodine color will remain brown.
by growing tress and by putting down hydro mulch as needed
Some types of bacteria can cause diseases in humans, such as cholera, diptheria, dysentery, bubonic plague, pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), typhoid, and many more. If the human body is exposed to bacteria that the body does not recognize as helpful, the immune system will attack them. coccus, rod or bacillus, and spiral are the most common shapes of bacteria