True Because the visual aids will provide better hand to eye coordination
The correct answer I believe is A Sex offender
The main cause of lack of jobs is due to automation and the ability for computers to do everything faster, more efficiently and effectively.
A specific example - Data entry jobs are redundant from automation programs
- Economic Forum predicted a net increase of 58 million jobs for automation, so this accounts for losses but isn't case specific to data entry
The correct answer is complex.
There are two types of reaction times when it comes to driving - simple and complex. Simple reaction time refers to your action after receiving some sort of a stimulus - when you see the red light, you are supposed to break. When it comes to complex reaction time, however, it has to do with your assessment of the situation, and realization what it is you have to do in order to avoid an accident, for example.
False. bool is in C++, ints are used in C.