Science is a dynamic subject and it changes all the time. In the science field, research is always on going and when new evidence are discovered about a particular topic, the new evidence are usually used to update the scientific information that is already on ground. All the areas of science listed about have enjoyed scientific updates in the recent.
ok so no problem i’ll is going on the same page as ttyy and
Think of it this way:
DNA inside cells store all the genetic information on a person's looks, eye colour, hair colour etc. It makes them unique. The analogy of being like books in a library basically suggests that in a library there is so much information and every book is different with different knowledge... That's basically what DNA is; millions of different information things.
You may have to enlarge it but here you go!
Periosteum is an extremely thin region of non-calcified tissue on the exterior of bones. It covers the entire surface of every bone in the body, with the exception of the joint-forming ends of bones where cartilage forms the bone’s outer layer.