Protects brain and spinal cord from trauma, as well as supplies nutrients to nervous system tissue. It also removes waste from cerebral metabolism.
Answer: To perform photosynthesis, plants need three things: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.
Answer: Serotonin
Serotonin is an hormone, derived from the amino acid, tryptothan. It is involved in vasodilation, sleep regulation, mood changes, capillary permeability, and causes contraction of smooth muscles like that of the stomach to signal hunger.
Down below
1. if you have a lack of oxygen while in a state of heavy movement your heart will stop pumping blood because your whole body isnt receiving enough oxygen and now everything will begin to shutdown
2. you cant stop anything unless you get oxygen , it will take longer for you to die with lack of oxygen or no oxygen at all for that matter
3. atheletes will usually take heavy breaths of oxygen before holding their breaths for longer periods of time