Even in good times wages were low, hours long and working conditions hazardous. Little of the wealth which the growth of the nation had generated went to its workers.
The life of a 19th-century American industrial worker was far from easy.
During the American Revolution, the majority of American Indian Nations allied themselves with the British in order to preserve their culture and stop encroachment upon their lands. However, some supported the Patriots and their cause because of personal ties, shared religious beliefs, or mistreatment by the British in the past.
the interior Great Wall stretches from Xinzhou in Shanxi Province, via Hebei Province to Beijing Badaling.
i think it was built to double protect the land and the people.
its on the inside for double protection
<u>Broad Context:</u> The "Big Picture" is that the US is trying to annex the Republic of Texas as part of their states, and that Texas already <em>shared many common traits </em>(why? part) with the US, and should join as a state of their choosing, (which means slave or free) (How? part).
<u>Other Context:<em> </em></u><em> </em>The adding of Texas into the US (eventually as a slave state) offsetted the balance between the slaves and free states, and so California (gained after the Mexican-American War) was turned into a free state. Texas was the cause of the Texas Revolution & later on the (already named) Mexican-American War. The adding of Texas, and later the Gadsen Purchase, help create today's US southern border that is shared with Mexico.
hope this helps
Woodrow Wilson...........................................................................................