A) 1:2
With its existing accessible sanitation facilities in Mumbai, the ratio of availability of toilets comes to around 52 to 100 people per toilet seat, since in many areas the gap between demand and availability is huge.
Over 90 million toilets have been built across rural India so far, taking the national rural sanitation coverage to over 98% today, up from 39% in 2014.
52 to 100 people per toilet seat,
That is ratio of approximately 1:2
For well-off white professionals who were part of the Progressive movement, Keene writes, taking an interest in the war in Europe was part of becoming “citizens of the world.” Some of them formed the Committee for Relief in Belgium (CRB). True to the technocratic orientation of Progressivism, they tackled the problem of helping civilians in German-occupied areas in practical terms, negotiating with both Germany and Britain to allow shipments of food and clothing past their military forces.
Genghis khan
By 1206, Genghis Khan had conquered all Mongol and Turkic tribes in Mongolia and southern Siberia.
People who must suffer with patience to hide the fear, the terror they have. The white man is obliged to colonize and civilize other races in benefits of themselves. Seek the gain of others and work for the benefit of others. It also expresses to test the pride that is displayed.