Having failed in the north, the British turned their attention to the south. They hoped to inspire Loyalist support among dissatisfied Americans — a hope that was never realized. Fighting continued. The threat of French naval participation kept the British uneasy.
Leader of North Korea: Kim ||-sung
Leader of South Korea:
The American-backed Syngman Rhee won the election while Kim ||-sung was appointed as the leader of North Korea. This led to the establishment of the Republic of korea in South Korea, which was promptly followed by the establishment of the democratic people's Republic of Korea in North Korea.
Castelli is the term used to refer to the nine villages of san marino.
claims of fact, claims of value, and claims of policy
Each type of claim focuses on a different aspect of a topic. To best participate in an argument, it is beneficial to understand the type of claim that is being argued.
A plague is an infectious disease that spreads among a
large population of people.
• Plagues can be spread in one of two ways: through
direct physical contact, or by airborne transmission.
• The spread of Bubonic Plague, or Black Death,
originated in Asia. Mongol armies spread the disease
throughout China as they conquered cities during the
• As the Mongols expanded the boundaries of their
empire into Europe, they carried the plague with