Needs, wants, and ability to purchas
There is no reason to focus on consumer needs thousands of years ago. But we can say that technological advances and communication are wreaking havoc in this regard. Trends and fashions mark each day more than we want to obtain, consume and buy. And that has multiplied by a thousand in the last hundred years
1.) The internal controls which were missing are from the separation of responsibilities. There must have been in place an inner regulator were an individual works with advisers while alternative individual or unit take-care of the expense procedure, then somebody else allow expenses and then office should distribute the expenditures. There is an absence of inner controls as you can realize that the corporation amalgamated with a larger corporation and no one measured other accounts such as Jackson and company any longer.
2.) With the lack of control, this offered Helen the chance to effect the fraud. With this presence said, she was talented to emulate sign receipts and spend the retailer’s expenditures. She were also the one in responsibility of office the initial and final of accounts. In short, she had several accountabilities that should have remained separated up better and had diverse individuals for the separations of the job. In addition, she needed a bank description from the corporation where she was capable to put the expenditures and pay individual expenditures.
3.) The method this fraud might be noticed is the inspection squad can ask the bank for reports. They might also conference sellers. The accounting section should have ended sure they were doing the due diligence in dealers and corresponding the receipts with statements and expenditures.
The key economic idea being exemplified is c) People are rational
The economists’ assumption is that firms and consumers utilize all available information to attain their goals and weigh all costs and benefits of each action taken. Moreover, firms and consumers only choose an action if the benefits exceeds the costs. Therefore, the action of manufacturing firms to move their operations from overseas back to the US due to the increased preference for US manufactured goods exemplifies that consumers and firms rely on all available information when pursuing their goals.
The market value of equity should be used.
Their are only two methods which are book value method or market value method. The market value method is preferred because the reason is that the market value gives the more accurate numerical value that the securities of the company will give which is the required rate of return to its investors. However historic cost data is not useful because the value of stock and bonds keeps changing every second in the stock exchange and their is the risk that the WACC calculated is inaccurate which implies that the project appraised is also incorrect.
So the best way to calculate the weighted cost of capital is that we should use the fair value of the securities.