Within-Subjects Experiments
Within-Subjects Designs: this is a form of experimental design in which the participants involved is exposed or subjected to all the conditions.
However, in this case, Alberto, is using Within-Subject Designs (simultaneous) by exposing all the participants to answer arithmetic problems while listening to metal, and then country, and finally classical music simultenously.
The multiple conditions here are: arithmetic problems to solve, listening to different types of music in a sequence that mixed the different types.
Everyone was kind of doing their own thing at the time- making decisions they'd regret and abiding by what they thought was right. Eventually, the men who wrote the constitution, including James Maddison and Thomas Jefferson, thought it was a time for change and more of a constructed nation which helped them to come along the idea of writing the constitution. They figured if the rules were put into place and were to be followed, then the civilization of America would be more of a healthier environment to live in, verbally and physically.
Just. because formal battles have ended, does not mean both sides will accept the outcome. Prejudice and need for cheap labor was still deeply ingrained.
The confederate south had been devastated by the Civil War. Money and law enforcement from Union military would be required., for years! The US treasury did not make enough budgeted funds available for equitable reconstruction. Blocking pro-freedmen legislation.
Many of former confederate states would send pro-slavery/anti negro representatives to US House and Senate.
Political squabbling would continue with the compromise of 18xx would remove federal troops. Dominant white racist ideals would prevail. Banks not loaning to freed slaves, only at unreasonable high interest rates, would reduce business and land ownership.
d. applied the Second Amendment to state governments.
The second amendment was applied by the Supreme Court holding that it was incorporated under the fourteenth amendment as regards the Due Process Clause or Privileges or Immunities Clause , and reversing the Seventh Circuit in this way. This decision by the Supreme Court in June 2010 cleared the uncertainty in the Chicago gun restrictions as well as in other states.