The Catholic Church considered some thinkers of the scientific revolution to be heretics because these thinkers challenged the orthodoxy of the church or the beliefs that the church had preached for centuries. One of the main beliefs that the Catholic Church considered herecy was that the sun was the center of the universe rather than what had previously been believed which was that the earth was the center of the universe.
Germany would not have achieved unification. as quickly
Well, this depends where. In the US the Amendment to the Constitution that abolished slavery was passed in 1865 in January and ratified in December. In the United Kingom and its realms it was abolished in 1833.
4 Important Factors To Consider Before Investing
Risk Vs Reward. Any kind of investment would involve a certain degree of risk. ...
Individual Risk Appetite. One man's food is another man's poison – the same goes for investment. ...
Investment Capital. The amount is investment capital you have can also affect your choice of investment. ...
Time Horizon.
Answer: a. What motivates people.
According to the doctrine of Psychologism Egoism, people are always motivated to act following their own interests, meaning that all human motivation is egoistic. This theory, therefore, is about what motivates people´s actions. Is not about what is good and right, as the motivation is considered ultimately egoistic. The theory establishes no relation between motivations and religion, nor normative ethics, or specific rules as deontology would suggest.