Individuals construct their own life course through the choices and actions they take within the opportunities and constraints of history and social circumstances
a. true
Alternative energy use is a sustainable practice of a post-industrial society.
- Since the advent of industrialisation, the world has heavily relied on energy generated out of burning of fossil fuels. This has led to serious issues of environmental pollution and degradation.
- The term alternative energy use refers to the use of non-polluting, sustainable energy resources.
- Alternative energies include solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc.
- The use of alternative energy is ensures that there is no emission of polluting byproducts from industrial activities.
insecure attachment
Insecure attachment: The term "insecure attachment" is described as one of the relationship styles in which an individual's bond with another person is being contaminated or affected by fear. However, insecure attachment is being expressed in terms of reluctance in a specific relationship and related mixed emotions, for example, rejection and dependence. According to many psychologists, insecure attachment is mainly established during the early childhood period of life.
In the question above, the given statement represents an insecure attachment.
stand up for myself and also be kind to the bully because you never know what your bully could be going through in their life. Also if you treat them with kindness, it changes there view of life on you.