John Calvin: The Religious Reformer Who Influenced Capitalism. Both the blame and the credit for capitalism has often been placed at the feet of a 16th-century Christian theologian named John Calvin.
By creating government jobs like the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Sam Adams used Paul Revere's drawing of the Boston Massacre(which showed Redcoats firing into a crowd of citizens) to persuade colonists.
Strict scrutiny is a form of judicial review that courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws. ... To pass strict scrutiny, the legislature must have passed the law to further a "compelling governmental interest," and must have narrowly tailored the law to achieve that interest.
Pravda, (Russian: “Truth”) newspaper that was the official organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, numerous publications and Web sites continued under the Pravda name.