Praja Parishad was the first political party in Nepal. It was established on June 2, 1936.
Ganesh Man Singh was publicly acclaimed as all acceptable leader of democracy and was a sign of respect that all the Nepalese show towards him that they call him supreme leader. He planned to protest against the autocratic rulers of Nepal. He played a significant role to overthrow the Rana Regime in 1950. He spent many years against the partyless Panchayat system. Later, he worked in favour of the nation and people. He also joined Praja Parishad in 1940.
<h2> I hope you'll appreciate me:)</h2>
Intrinsic means "internal/inner" here. The satisfaction with oneself for a job well done is an internal motivator, while a pay rise/promotion is a direct outside motivator and good working conditions are an indirect outside motivator.
A nondurable good lasts for less than three years when used on a regular basis.
Frances haves the most services but also haves the least amount of agriculture with Italy. Italy has the biggest industry out of the four though. Romania haves the most agriculture with 30% ,and Poland haves the most even services, industry, and agriculture of the bunch.