because Texans wanted the rights of American citizens
Carnegie decided that he was going to be a capitalist who concentrates on one industry - the steel industry. He constructed his first steel mill in the around 1875. The profit he made from this steel mill allowed him to buy up other nearby steel mills. As Carnegie's empire grew, he bought up more of the competing steel mills. His purchase of Allegheny Steel contributed to the formation of his monopoly because it was one of his last major competitors. The definition of a monopoly is a company or enterprise that is the only seller of a certain product. By the time Carnegie had finished buying up his competitors, his company was the only company left in the steel industry.
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
There are some critiques to the Evolutionary Theories, among them: Biological Deterministic way of seeing the Hominideos and in many ways reductionist, to make it complex things simpler.
Analyzing the options then:
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
These theories were not able to fulfill a model of predicting the future, leaving it blank for speculations. Also, it does not provide a cohesive and coherent basis model to predict the Post Homo Sapiens' future.
Despite those and other criticisms, this hasn't been enough to discard the Evolutionary Theories. On the other hand, the criticisms should be open for the sake of science.
Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system