Victory over the Persians, defeat by Sparta began the golden age. It ended due to the Peloponnesian War.
There are many reasons for the government to step in and create policy after policy during the Great Depression. The Great Depression was essentially caused by people buying things with money they didn't have, which in turn made the economy tank and made TONS of people poor and unable to purchase basic necessities. So the government created a the New Deal, which is essentially a ton of programs that allowed younger teenagers to work to help supplement the family, but also to build new infrastructure for roads, highways, dams, etc.. Without the new deal, and all of those policies we would've been unprepared for the upcoming World War 2
The options are
A. to find freedom
B. to clear the wooded areas
C. to benefit from the climate and landscape
The answer is C. to benefit from the climate and landscape
Pennsylvania is a state in the US known for its great living conditions which is why it is densely populated.
Though it doesn’t share a border with the Atlantic Ocean, it has a good climate and landscape which is the reason for the advertisement.
When the Ottoman Turks took over Constantinople,trade was disrupted. This led European traders to seek a new way to trade with the Asian countries.Tea and spices were introduced and became essential to European diets.Fabrics such as silk and cotton also came from Asian traders.