Turn off the water when it is not needed; for example, turn off the water when you brush your teeth, turn off the water when you’re scrubbing your body and hair in the shower with soap (only turn it back on when you want to rinse).
To summarize: TURN OFF THE WATER (when it’s not needed) :)
Due to newly formed land.
Surtsey provided ideal conditions for studying primary succession because due to volcanic eruption all the vegetation and living organisms are destroyed from the surface and the land has no vegetation. Primary succession only occurs when the land is colonized for the first time after the formation of land due to natural disaster such as volcanic eruption etc. So we can say that Surtsey provided the conditions for observing primary succession.
Acid deposition-usually referred to simply as acid rain-actually includes two forms of pollution, wet and dry. ... In the wet type of acid deposition, these compounds combine with water vapor in the atmosphere to form highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids.
The accumulation of acids or acidic compounds on the surface of the Earth, in lakes or streams, or on objects or vegetation near the Earth's surface, as a result of their separation from the atmosphere. Acid deposition can harm the environment in a variety of ways, as by causing the acidification of lakes and streams, the leaching of minerals and other nutrients from soil, and the inhibition of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in plants.♦ The accumulation of acids that fall to the Earth dissolved in water is known as wet deposition. Wet deposition includes all forms of acid precipitation such as acid rain, snow, and fog.♦ The accumulation of acidic particles that settle out of the atmosphere or of acidic gases that are absorbed by plant tissues or other surfaces is known as dry deposition.
Fruting bodies
Fungi can produce spores on somatic hyphae or on special spore producing hyphae which are arranged into structers called fruting bodies.
Answer & Explanation:
a) a) Mutualistic relationship differs from parasitism because the first one benefits both of the involved organisms. Otherwise, parasitism benefits only one of the organisms and it can harm the host. Therefore, the parasite would have to be smaller than the host and it would be somehow extracting energy from the host.
b) The direction of evolutionary changes would follow some kind of pattern, like coevolution. Therefore, analyzing the phylogenies individually and then contrasting them, would help to understand how the host, as well as the parasite, have been evolving.
c) The phylogeny would also help to understand what changed first, or if they changed together as a result of coevolution.