Women are being encouraged to work on the home front during the war.
Women can select jobs that correspond to their interests or skills.
Jobs related to wartime industries have the greatest need for workers.
Jobs in industry, agriculture, and business are specifically in need of workers.
These four sentences are correct and do reflect the idea of the propaganda:
Women are being encouraged to work on the home front during the war. <em>(definitely because of a</em><em> woman on the picture</em><em>)</em>
Women can select jobs that correspond to their interests or skills.<em> (based on the quote - "</em><em>I've found the job where I fit best</em><em>")</em>
Jobs related to wartime industries have the greatest need for workers. <em>(based on the mention "</em><em>Find your war job</em><em>")</em>
Jobs in industry, agriculture, and business are specifically in need of workers. <em>(</em><em>these areas are explicitly listed at the bottom</em><em>)</em>
However, the following is not:
Women’s right to work in these industries will be supported after the war. <em>(No such mention and looking back in time we also know it wasn't the case)</em>